
Monday 27 February 2012

Yamadori Hawthorn

Finally managed to bet the camera out to take some pictures of this Hawthorn I collected late last year.
Not too difficult to collect, as the rabbits living underneath it had done most of the job for me.  It has a good amount of root on it, but only time will tell if it lives.  It has spent the winter under cover in the cold greenhouse, covered in frost protection fleece and will receive some tlc for the next couple of years to help it establish in the pot.

Fingers crossed!


  1. Ich denke der wird sehr gut und bin auf den Austrieb gespannt
    I think he is very good and I'm excited about the shoot

  2. Vielen Dank Josef. Ich hoffe dass der gut durch den winter gekommen ist. Zwangsweise musste der schon im Dezember ausgegraben werden. Na Ja, werden wir ja in in paar wochen schon sehn. Mal die Daumen druecken.

    Many thanks Josef. I hope that the tree has come through the winter OK. I had to dig it in Decembsr, which is really a bit early. We will se in a few weeks. Fingers crossed.
