
Thursday 29 December 2011

Busy, Busy

I have recently been informed that the Garden Centre where I rent some space for my business will not re-open in the New Year (another small, local business falls victim to the recession).
So I spent the last couple of days before Christmas moving my Bonsai, pots and other stock to my house for the interim.  Not an easy task, as I had to dismantle the Greenhouse and move somewhere in the region of 250 Bonsai plus raw material and starter plants, as well as 2 van loads of pots, tools and sundries.
Mail order will run as normal, but anyone wanting to see a tree will have to make an appointment for the time being.
So now I am on the lookout for a new place to work from, and then it all in reverse.
At least I won't be bored in January and February ;)


  1. Mike

    I'm really sorry to hear this news. I am aware of just how hard you have worked at setting up. All I can say in support is be positive and a will be worked out.

    Sincerely the BEST to you for 2012 and beyond.

    PS: You should change your 'about me' image; you've lost weight since that one :)

  2. Of course clearly, that should have said ' a way will be worked out.'

    I hit submit too quickly.


  3. Thanks for your kind comments Mike.
    I have made contact with a few small nurseries in the area and two look promising. I have arranged to meet the owners in the new year to start things into motion.

  4. Hi Mike,

    Bit off topic.

    Would just like to know if you use an organic element in your soil mixes (not pines).

    Im sure ive seen composted bark mentioned somewhere.

    If so, what do you use, where do you obtain it from and in what quantities do you (in general terms) use it in conjunction with other elements ?

    1. Hi Dexter
      Sorry for the late reply.
      I use a load of different mixes for my trees.
      Some (mainly Maples and other deciduous trees that need repotting frequently) are in pure akadama.
      For other deciduous I also use a 50/50 mix of kyodama and akadama.
      Some Flowering trees and European Hornbeam like a more water re-tentative mix, for those I use a mix of 2 parts peat, 2 parts potting grit and 1 part John Innes No.2 (I also use this for indoor bonsai and to bring on air layers and collected stock)
      For Pines and Junipers I use a mix of 3 parts Kiriyu, 2 parts Kyodama and 1 part Composted Bark.

      As a business, I am in the enviable position to obtain Kiriyu Akadama and Kyodama from an Importer at wholesale prices (I sell those on my website)

      The Bark, Peat and John Innes are bought from a Local Garden Centre at trade prices.

      Hope that helps
