
Sunday 6 November 2011

Tony Remington Pot

I don't very often bid for stuff on E-bay, but this shohin pot really caught my eye.  I saw a similar one at Tony Remington's stand at the BTA Show in Sheffield, but it had gone by the time I made up my mind to buy it :(
When I saw this one on the auctions, I couldn't let it slip away again and put in a good bid.
Now it's mine ;) and I just need to find the right tree to put into it.

Check out Tony's website, his pots are all unique and really not that expensive or check out his E-bay auctions for some real bargains.


  1. I just cannot understand buying a pot with no tree in mind. I mean to say I'D never do that :) Yeah right, who's he trying to kid.

    Stunning pot that is Mike and I'd have had it in a flash. I honestly feel Tony Remington is one of the most superb of pot creators alive today.

    Take care


  2. Hi Mike
    Any chance of a picture of this pot with the Hawthorne planted in it. I would love to see it in flower, and could I use the picture on my sites?

    Tony Remington
