
Saturday 10 April 2010

Spring has finally arrived

About time too!
After the long and cold winter, all my trees are finally pushing out new growth. Some of them are about 3 weeks later than normal, which goes to show that this winter did drag on.

Repotting is finished and I can sit back and enjoy my trees at their spring best.
As for the last couple of years, my main potting medium is Sophisticat Pink Cat Litter. I adapt it for the individual trees, i.e. for my maples I use a 50/50 mix of SPCL and Akadama, my hornbeams a 75/25 mix of SPCL and sifted composted bark.

I have started feeding my evergreens and any trees that were not repotted in the last 3 weeks, using standard Growmore at the recommended rate.

Now I just need to keep my eyes open for the arrival of any pests.

How nice to see some colour back on the bonsai benches.

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