
Sunday 24 November 2013

Winter Quarters

We have had a couple of nights with a good frost (-3/-4C), so I thought it was about time to move some of the more vulnerable plants in to the Greenhouse.  I have a small thermostat controlled heater in here that will keep the temperature just above freezing (3-5C).

Mainly some established trees that don't like too much cold, like trident maples, azalea and outdoor Chinese Elm, also my growing collection of mame and shohin sized trees in small pots and of course the cuttings that were rooted earlier this year.

Most of the Japanese White Pine and Junipers are now in the cold Greenhouse, mainly to protect them from excessive rainfall and cold winds.  No heating in here and the greenhouse is well ventilated.  The Pyracantha are in there to keep the birds from stripping the berries.

My Scots Pine seedlings and starter plants will stay out until the weather turns really bad and then they will join the Junipers in the cold greenhouse.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Pots for sale

I have sorted through a stack of pots I have recently acquired from an old chap who has given up the hobby due to health problems.  There were the usual Chinese and Korean import pots, but one of the boxes had a few gems in it.  Not sure of their origin, but they have all developed an nice patina over years of use and storage and the glazes and styles are quite unusual.

I kept a few of these to pot up some of my trees next year, and have listed the ones shown below on my ebay shop for sale.  The one in the first picture has just sold .

Sunday 17 November 2013

Last bit of Autumn Colour

Most of my braodleaf bonsai have now dropped their leaves, but just a few are still showing a last flush of autumn colour.

European Hornbeam 

Korean Hornbeam

Chinese Elm Tanuki

Thursday 14 November 2013

Homemade Bonsai Display Stand finished

After a bit more sanding and a few coats of stain and varnish, the stand is basically finished.  I may apply a final coat of hard finishing wax to give a bit of extra protection to the varnished surface.

Not too shabby, considering this was entirely made from a few odd pine offcuts and took all in all about 6 hours to make from start to finish (excl. drying time between coats of stain and varnish) .

Sunday 10 November 2013

Homemade Bonsai Display stand

I came across this article on Bonsai Empire some weeks ago, so with noting else to do, I thought I have a go and make a bonsai stand.  The instructions in the article are very clear and easy to follow, but I don't have a scroll saw or a biscuit jointer, so I had to improvise a little.  I used a hole saw and my jigsaw to cut out the pattern and used dowels to connect the top to the sides.  Also, working with offcuts of softwood rather than hardwood, I kept the design simpler and a little more "chunky".
Anyhow, a worthwhile project to have a go at in winter when your bonsai don't need too much of your attention.

Just a bit more sanding and then the finish can be applied.  Seeing that the wood has really not much of a grain pattern, I will most likely paint it with a black gloss lacquer

Thursday 7 November 2013

Korean Hornbeam Confused?

One of my Korean Hornbeams has not quite got the message that winter is approaching. While the Group planting (also of Korean Hornbeam) that is standing next to it on the bench has lost most of it's leaves, this one is still green and pushing out new growth.

Korean Hornbeam 7 Nov 2013

Korean Hornbeam Group 7 Nov 2013

Nice colour on the few leaves that are still hanging on